I take pictures… of things, and sometimes people, but usually inanimate objects. Why? Because lamps and mountains don’t glare at you when they catch you snapping a shot of them. So, in the grand tradition of New Year’s resolutions, I decided I was going to undertake a “picture a day” challenge to myself in 2013. And, also in the tradition of resolutions, I made no plans beyond my good intentions. Well, here we are in the latter part of January, and I have diligently taken a photo every day… and done nothing with them. Ouch, resolution fail. But hey, the new year is about a clean slate, so I am cutting myself some slack and starting over today.
My hope for this challenge, and this resolution, is that daily practice will make me a better photographer, in the technical sense of the word; but more so, my hope is that having a long term project will give me a sense of purpose as the big 3-0 looms. Early mid-life-crisis, perhaps? A blog is cheaper than a sports car, though, so I am willing to give it a shot.